Past Continuous - preklad
Nahraj odpoveď
Mary písala e-maily svojim kamarátom.
Children were throwing a ball.
Kate and Jane were dancing at the party.
Mary was writing e-mails to her friends.
Tom was revising Maths.
My friends were waiting at the bus stop.
Tom si opakoval matematiku.
Children were throwing a ball.
Kate and Jane were dancing at the party.
Mary was writing e-mails to her friends.
Tom was revising Maths.
My friends were waiting at the bus stop.
Katka a Jana tancovali na večierku.
Children were throwing a ball.
Kate and Jane were dancing at the party.
Mary was writing e-mails to her friends.
Tom was revising Maths.
My friends were waiting at the bus stop.
Deti si hádzali loptu.
Children were throwing a ball.
Kate and Jane were dancing at the party.
Mary was writing e-mails to her friends.
Tom was revising Maths.
My friends were waiting at the bus stop.
Moji kamaráti čakali na autobusovej zastávke.
Children were throwing a ball.
Kate and Jane were dancing at the party.
Mary was writing e-mails to her friends.
Tom was revising Maths.
My friends were waiting at the bus stop.
Nahraj odpoveď